пятница, 22 января 2010
Катберт конечно знал, что некоторые люди могут достаточно длительные периоды обходиться без слов, но понять этого никак не мог. ©
четверг, 21 января 2010
Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex!
Сегодня Бубушечке, тайному родственнику Кстю, Сету из Затмения\Рассвета, исполнилось 16 лет! 

don't forget me
На последних страницах "Ломая рассвет" история семьи вампиров-вегетарианцев Калленов не заканчивается, ведь впереди у них целая вечность, в которую Вы можете внести свою лепту, обустроив жизнь Вашего персонажа как Вам вздумается. В этой ролевой игре появляется множество новых персонажей, которых рано или поздно ждёт знакомство с нашими любимыми кровопийцами!
- Эсми, Карлайл, Эдвард, Эмметт Каллен;
- Джейн, Сульпиция, Хайди, Деметрий Волтури;
- Джейкоб Блек, Квилеты;
- Таня, Кармен, Элезар Денали;
- Требующиеся неканоны
today is yesterday's tomorrow
today is yesterday's tomorrow

Эшли Грин
Звезда фильмов «Сумерки» и «Сумерки.Сага.Новолуние» ,Эшли Грин, рассказала, что в марте этого года ей пришлось обрезать свои роскошные волосы. Но этому "преступлению" нашлось оправдание: во-первых, чтоб соответствовать образу эльфа из фильма. Во-вторых, чтоб не носить парик.

Кристен Стюарт
Мы привыкли видеть Кристен с прекрасными каштановыми локонами, которые, без сомнения, красили её в фильме «Сумерки», но следует отметить, что новая, можно сказать, неординарная стрижка, которую Кристен пришлось сделать для ее новой роли в фильме «Ранэвэйс», похоже соответствует ее стилю и характеру.
Джордж Клуни или Роберт Паттинсон?
среда, 20 января 2010

Remember Me
Rated PG-13 For violence, sexual content, language and smoking.
Release Date: March 12, 2010
...что трейлер уже у него на руках, осталось только ждать, когда Саммиты соизволят нам его представить.

today is yesterday's tomorrow
Жена металлиста: в правой руке лолли-поп, а в левой - "коза".)
Дело в том, что у меня на прошлой неделе форматнулся компьютер, и теперь на нём нет музыки. OST и Score Сумерек я нашла, а вот к Новолунию ни того, ни другого через "Поиск по сообществу" найдено не было.((
Поэтому просьба к вам: не оставьте в беде, скиньте, пожалуйста, ссылки, откуда скачать можно OST и Score Новолуния!.. И музыку Alexander Desplat, если есть у кого (я откуда-то точно качала) - она так красива...
Спасибо вам.
Поэтому просьба к вам: не оставьте в беде, скиньте, пожалуйста, ссылки, откуда скачать можно OST и Score Новолуния!.. И музыку Alexander Desplat, если есть у кого (я откуда-то точно качала) - она так красива...
Спасибо вам.

вторник, 19 января 2010
Where will they shoot it?
Some non-romance related updates for you Twi-Hards, this has to do with shooting location in response to the daily flurry of emails I receive for production information related to the 4th and possibly 5th movie(s).
You’ll recall I was the first to report that due to provincial tax credit drama and competing incentives, Portland became a more viable location. Despite reports elsewhere, as of this weekend, no final decision has been made. Having said that, Vancouver remains Summit’s first choice even though the tax credit situation has yet to be sorted.
My sources tell me exclusively Summit representatives met with the BC government just before Christmas to see if a favourable arrangement could be worked out. That meeting concluded with NO commitments from government officials who explained that they were not prepared to look at any new tax structure until after the Olympics. Summit was hoping to make a decision sooner.
Further, many crew members who worked on Twilight New Moon and Eclipse are now working on the new Fox show Human Target (shot in Vancouver) which enjoyed a solid debut the other night. As of two days ago, those crew members have not been informed of any movement to go back to Twilight. Yet.
There’s been some buzz among certain local special effects firms that a contract is coming, anticipating a June start date. The timing is encouraging for those lobbying for a Twilight return. This would allow for 3 months of prep before principle photography in September. So it looks promising... but there are still many variables at play. Will keep you posted.
And now... since I know you’ve missed it... how about a little Twi-Hard hate mail. They are an unforgiving lot. It’s been ages since I’ve snarked on their beloved. Still last week I received the following from Darcy:
Hey Lames,
How you feeling today. Spooning butter into your mouth, better watch the size of your ass, lol! I seen you on tv and that other oriental girl makes you look humungoid. So Robsten is the real deal so take your James Franco and suck it back like your vodka alkie!
Ya, we’re Twi-Hards loud and proud. Rob and Kristen have millions celebrating in the joyousness of their love while all have is your pathetic life. Cuddle up to that mutt of yours because when your husband leaves you for a Twi-Hard it’s gonna get real lonely in your hating existence. Should I start sending him pictures of me? I bet it won’t take much to leave you in the dust, lol! God it must suck to be around you all day with your breath and your wide load. What goes around comes around, LAMEY!
Couldn’t decide which photo to attach for this article since there are no new ones so I decided to go with this one: because it reminds me of my favourite scene in New Moon. When, in Quileute, Jacob tells Bella he has a boner.
Some non-romance related updates for you Twi-Hards, this has to do with shooting location in response to the daily flurry of emails I receive for production information related to the 4th and possibly 5th movie(s).
You’ll recall I was the first to report that due to provincial tax credit drama and competing incentives, Portland became a more viable location. Despite reports elsewhere, as of this weekend, no final decision has been made. Having said that, Vancouver remains Summit’s first choice even though the tax credit situation has yet to be sorted.
My sources tell me exclusively Summit representatives met with the BC government just before Christmas to see if a favourable arrangement could be worked out. That meeting concluded with NO commitments from government officials who explained that they were not prepared to look at any new tax structure until after the Olympics. Summit was hoping to make a decision sooner.
Further, many crew members who worked on Twilight New Moon and Eclipse are now working on the new Fox show Human Target (shot in Vancouver) which enjoyed a solid debut the other night. As of two days ago, those crew members have not been informed of any movement to go back to Twilight. Yet.
There’s been some buzz among certain local special effects firms that a contract is coming, anticipating a June start date. The timing is encouraging for those lobbying for a Twilight return. This would allow for 3 months of prep before principle photography in September. So it looks promising... but there are still many variables at play. Will keep you posted.
And now... since I know you’ve missed it... how about a little Twi-Hard hate mail. They are an unforgiving lot. It’s been ages since I’ve snarked on their beloved. Still last week I received the following from Darcy:
Hey Lames,
How you feeling today. Spooning butter into your mouth, better watch the size of your ass, lol! I seen you on tv and that other oriental girl makes you look humungoid. So Robsten is the real deal so take your James Franco and suck it back like your vodka alkie!
Ya, we’re Twi-Hards loud and proud. Rob and Kristen have millions celebrating in the joyousness of their love while all have is your pathetic life. Cuddle up to that mutt of yours because when your husband leaves you for a Twi-Hard it’s gonna get real lonely in your hating existence. Should I start sending him pictures of me? I bet it won’t take much to leave you in the dust, lol! God it must suck to be around you all day with your breath and your wide load. What goes around comes around, LAMEY!
Couldn’t decide which photo to attach for this article since there are no new ones so I decided to go with this one: because it reminds me of my favourite scene in New Moon. When, in Quileute, Jacob tells Bella he has a boner.
We'll be young forever | У гениальности есть побочные эффекты | Paradies und Sündenfall