Starring as Bella Swan's enthusiastic friend, Jessica, in Twilight, Anna Kendrick first earned recognition on the big screen. And Kendrick has certainly been successful in striking out on her own since appearing in the tween vampire drama.

The 24-year-old actress took on the role as Natalie opposite George Clooney in Up in the Air, but tells the L.A. Times, "I spent every day from the moment I won the part sure I was about to be fired."

Kendrick explains, "Each day was the day I knew they would realize they actually wanted Evan Rachel Wood. Then the first day on set. I showed up with a cold and I thought no one would like me because I'm the girl who showed up sick, and George told me to have chicken soup and to listen to him because he had played a doctor on TV. And I thought, 'It will all be all right.'"

However, before you get to thinking that she's left Jessica behind in the dust, Anna says, "It was sort of fun because Natalie is so rigid and I got to go and play the silliest girl on the planet, so it was getting to run and jump and play a little." Have fun, frolicking, little one!

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