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Do you even know in which city you are anymore?
(laughs) In Munich, right? But Yesterday I woke up and truly didn't knew that
I was in Madrid. It's a weird feeling.
You spend a lot of time in hotels. Is there Something that you always take with you ? A talisman?
It's not supposed to sound pompous, but I like it to take my guitar with me. And my hat.
I can't sleep on the plane when I have the feeling someone's watching me. So I pull the hat in my face and then it works.
Edward Cullen is super strong, can read minds and won't get old. Which ability would you like to have the most?
I really don't wanna know what people are thinking about me.(laughs) And being a teenager my whole life, that's not my thing. So I would choose the third option. Super powers.
But probably people would start asking me for help then. No, I feel pretty good being mortal.
If you could transform into anybody else, who would you be?
I think a dog. I always thought the lifestyle of a dog was fascinating: sitting around,sleeping, getting pats, eating and going for a walk once in a while.
It's nice. There is a deep attachment between me and dogs.
You get compared to actors like James Dean, Hugh Grant and Jude Law. Who do you like the most?
James Dean of course, He is just playing in another league. Weirdly I got uncomfortable getting compared to British actors. I don't know why, it's just like that.
Would you like to play the part of James Dean?
Absolutely, but I don't know if I could. I think, James Franco did a pretty good job.
You're a lot in the USA and travel around. Do you miss London?
Yes, I had the best time of my life there. I just had like this tiny apartment in Soho but there were always friends coming over.
The most time about five or six, that spend the night there. That felt wonderfully unconventional.
That was the life I always imagined. A bit crazy, but suitable for an actor.
At night we made music on the roof. A lot of my friends are artists and worked in my apartment. They draw pictures, somewhere you could hear a keyboard rattle and there was music.
Did you treat yourself to any luxuries with your salary?
I am pretty contented, but after "Twilight" I bought an awesome electronic guitar from 1951 in Vancouver. That was the first time that I felt decadent.
Otherwise I need no luxury. Look at me I'm wearing the same clothes every day.
Is there someone you would love to make music with?
I would love to work with D'Angelo, he's an awesome R'n'B singer. He didn't made anything in the last years but his music is just incredible.
And then there is this really good blues singer Susan Tedeschi.
If you could choose, where would you like to wake up tomorrow?
In my own home in London. A week ago I was there, for about 16 hours. The first time since 11 months. I met all my friends that I haven't seen since a year. My parents my sister. That I had to leave that fast, was the hardest thing I have done since months. (Kate:Aah I wish you could wake up there too Rob, soon!! )
What would you do if you woudn't be an actor?
I would like to be an music producer. That would be the perfect job for me. Or I would like to write, -anyway something creative.
Maybe stockbroker. I love everything that's hasty.
And I could control my working time. I don't like it to get told when to work.
How do you relax?
Sometimes it's really relaxing to do movies. In "New Moon" I felt totally free in my creativity and that was fun. What else? I would like to play soccer, but to be honest I am a loser at sports. That's why I have to hit the gym at times.
How did you work out for New Moon ?
I boxed a lot. It's awesome because it doesn't only transform your body but also your posture and thinking. Even if you just walk down the street, you suddenly have another radiation because you just don't feel that fragile anymore.
That's why I chose boxing. (*Kate Faints*)
You're going to be in "Bel Ami" with Nicole Kidman? (Kate:Ok so obviously this interview was done before this was confirmed as a NO to Nicole)
That's not confirmed jet, but yes it looks good. It certainly will be a good movie, I look forward to it because it's so different then anything I have done before. I am ready for it.
And I look forward to it because it's so gloomy. My only worry is that people just don't want to see me in any other movie then Twilight. (Kate: Don't worry about that Rob, we know you have lots more to give us and we are looking forward to it)
Are you sometimes still surprised by Twilights huge success?
Even if I look cool on the outside, I tell you what: It's just a facade.
What do you miss the most about your old life?
Walking carefree down the street. I love it to travel and get to know the cities and their people. Since I can think I lived in London it's full of live there 24/7.
Now I can't go anywhere without this feeling that I got watched all the time. And I just can say: I don't like that feeling. (Kate: )
Are there days that you wish you hadn't agreed to play the part?
No, eventhough there are of course a lot of negative aspects next to the good ones. But still there was no day when I was like: Oh I wish I woud'nt had accepted this.
That would be pointless- it's too late anyway.
On the other hand I never think: I am so happy, it coudn't get any better.Especially when I think about what I started and what was important to me then and what I wanted.
And what was that?
As an unemployed actor you're always annoyed: Again and again you have to go to some auditions and never you get the part. Either you don't have the name or you turn it down yourself because the money is not even good enough to get you through the month.
And all of the sudden you get famous and can choose the jobs you want to do.
That sounds awesome.
And it is, but on the other hand it increases the press. Producers expect to get the theater full with my name. Furthermore everyone expects you to act like a true celebrity even if it's not on screen. It's crazy when you have to turn down a job because the costs for the bodyguards that secure that you can work and stay undisturbed would blow the budget.